Fourth Wing Book Review

 Fourth Wing 

by Rebecca Yarros

 Release Date: May 2, 2023

Genre: Romantasy

Age Range: Adult

Series: The Empyrean

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 4.62 stars

Finally, I have read Fourth Wing. While it started off interesting it took a while for me to figure out why people were either loving or hating this book. I still don't fully understand both camps. Also, I reserve the right to change parts of this later once my brain is fully functioning again. Stupid sinuses.*

The book does a pretty average job at world-building for a romatancy. We mostly focus on the home country of Navarre. However, it is detailed in how long the country has been around, where the magic comes from, and what the landscape of borders looks like. Towards the end, there is even a startling detail laid out for our main character. Focusing within the country would be all the details of Basgaith War College. At the college, we are mostly given the detailed track of the Rider quadrant.

Magic in this world comes from dragons or griffins, safe magic at least. In the kingdom of Navarre, they are dragon riders. The dragon magic creates protective wards around the country that cancel out all other magics. This is slightly self-serving magic as they are mostly protecting their own nesting area. Bonded dragon riders can develop a unique segnant ability and use lesser magics. What they think of as less would be moving small objects, creating wards for doors, and lighting lamps. The signant abilities are varied and powerful. Some of the main characters can read recent memories, manipulate shadows, and summon items just to name a few. Outside of Navarre, there are griffon riders. They also have magic but might be weaker as the dragons consider the griffons weaker beings. Then there is a forbidden, let's call it lost, magic that you will discover late in the book.

Our main character is Violet Sorrengail. She is twenty years old and preparing to start at Basgiath War College. Her whole life has been dedicated to becoming a Scribe, the record and knowledge keeper. Violet is brilliant and would have been wonderful at it. This also would have been a wonderful path for her as she was born with very weak joints and smaller than average. It seems to have been from an illness her mother had while pregnant. Violet is also very stubborn and determined to survive. She also seems quick to adapt to her changing surroundings. Most people would struggle being thrown into certain death but Violet takes up the challenge to prove everyone wrong.

Violet has been trained to be a Scribe however her mother is General Sorrengail and for reasons not fully delved into she has decided Violet will join the Dragon Riders instead. I say not fully because there was a brief bit of you’re the daughter of a Rider and Scribes are lesser. Violet's father was a Scribe though so not sure why she was so pushy about her weakest child to take this path. The first book in the series follows Violet's first year at War College. From the dangers of initiation through to the twist at the end. It is amazing how many chances there are for death at this school. Students are told that dragons only choose strong riders and weeding out weakness is encouraged. As Violet continues to stay alive things in the outside world are getting worse. Skirmishes with griffons are growing until there are fears that students will be sent out before graduation. This would bring into question why is killing off students so acceptable. Well if there are only a certain amount of dragons and more students then you do have a surplus. But a smarter plan would be to use them in another area of warfare.

I liked the way romance was handled in this book. As twenty-somethings sex was not some new or life-altering thing for the characters. The romance is an enemies-to-lovers type of situation. Really it was their parents who were enemies and that seems to be the only reason they are. Through the year at Basgaith Violet begins to trust Xaden. It would be hard not to when he is constantly making sure you are safe from others and yourself. Plus there is a level of respect from the beginning mixing with a smidge of chemistry. Xaden, though protecting her, doesn't tell her she can't accomplish something. Rather he pushes her to find a way. Throughout most of the book, they just dance around each other but it finally pays off in the last quarter.

Now how this book wrapped up was interesting. Yarros attempted a Sanderlanch and it was mostly successful. I feel like there should have been a bit more sprinkled throughout the book that could have tied together. The battle at the end was intense and heartbreaking. It did have a bit of a chosen-one feel almost. The revelations though were huge but also a bit confusing. As dragons lived centuries and knew the truth how could they let humans erase that history? Honestly have no idea how the next book gets to be back at the college right now. I see why so many people were desperate to get the next book.

Overall I liked the book and still can't say for sure what drives people into the complete love or hate of this one.** The end hooked me into needing to read the next one. I love that element being added to the mix of the world. Now there were times when the writing had some issues. I wish to say them but spoilers somewhat. It's just that the way it was worded didn't really flow right.

You can find this book from the below retailers:

Amazon     Barnes & Noble

*Haha me. I didn't even post this to need to edit it again. Now though I have added bits to hopefully make more sense.

**Okay after reading other reviews now I see some points. Several people are angry that the story is borrowed from other books. One reviewer listed about ten different stories and the counterpoints in Fourth Wing. Many feel that this book is not original in the story anywhere just a mash of all these books. We will have to continue to see if this is just the first book and a way to get copies sold like older fantasy writers used to do with LotR.
