The Christmas Star Book Review

The Christmas Star 

by Kate Forster

Release Date: Feb. 22, 2022

Genre: Romance

Age Range: Adult

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 3.85 stars

I found this while looking through Audible. It sounded like a fun short listen to put one in the Christmas mood. As this is a short audiobook this will probably have to be a shorter review.

Most of this book takes place in London leading up to Christmas, with the last third of it in Cumbria on Christmas. Besides talks of decorations and gifts sprinkled in there isn't much Christmas. But this is a romance I suppose so we aren't supposed to want to focus there. I just wish we could have gotten more jolly feelings or descriptions.

This book follows Julia Devine who is quite happy with her life in London. However, the bad relationship with her step-sister has escalated to causing tensions with her mother as well. Now she has already met Sam Hunter, who keeps getting mistaken for Hugo Turner famous actor, when her mother is questioning why she won't come home for Christmas. Sam readily agrees to play along after hearing how bad Becca is. They spend the next few weeks prepping by quizzing each other on couple knowledge. As Christmas nears Julia isn't sure if she can let Sam go after their charade is done.

The oddest part of this book was Becca. She's in her late twenties and still acting like an entitled child. I've seen this done with rich kids but that isn't what her family sounds like really. The level that Becca would stoop to so no one else got attention is horrible.

The ending was actually more realistic than most of the cute Christmas ones. It's more of an almost happily ever after. Both characters have a willingness to work towards it together.

It was a cute little book to listen to. Would it work if it wasn't labeled as a Christmas novella? Possibly not but the holiday cheer should make this an enjoyable listen as you decorate or run errands.

This is an Audible Original.
