When Stars Burn Out -- Book Reveiw

 When Stars Burn Out 

by Anna Vera

 Release Date: Nov. 15, 2015

Genre: Sci-Fi

Age Range: New Adult

Series: Europa

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 4.47 stars

Pitched as a dystopian Sci-Fi with bits of horror this one was truly interesting. The description only added to the intrigue. Upon starting it I was quickly drawn in and didn't want to put it down.

Unlike many Sci-Fi books, I would say this does have a level of world-building happening. In this, we are shown a different version of Earth, as well as the spaceship Ora. The story gives us glimpses of what has happened in the thirty years since the plague started. We are shown a different society in both places that operates on different rules. Aboard the Ora, everyone must have a Purpose. They are trained on this from infancy, only knowing this line of reasoning and believing themselves to be the saviors.

The not quite a magic system because science, is that each of the specimens have a skillset. Through genetic modification, each member will possess some ability. Such as the members of our main characters unit are an empath, healer, and a sort of mind control. Specimens that are deemed to have "non-useful" skill sets are not used as soldiers. This is seen as sort of a shameful thing but it takes a lot of people to run and feed a spaceship.

Our main character is Eos Europa. She is a nineteen-year-old specimen who has dreamed her whole life of deploying to Earth with her league (unit of five). On the day that we are introduced, she is finding out that this will not be happening. From this, we learn that Eos is headstrong and very stubborn. She can at times be slightly self-centered even if she does care for the members of her league as siblings. All of her self-confidence and stubbornness will be tested throughout the book.

This book takes place at an untold point in the future. We know that the prologue happens and then thirty years later we are introduced to our main character. During this time most of humanity on Earth has been wiped out. Now the few survivors are living in space and trying to engineer the fighters that can take on the threat. Specimens are genetically altered humans to be able to fight the Muted. A new threat is growing in Colorado as several leagues have gone missing upon arrival. Now Eos and her league are set to deploy only to find chaos waiting for them.

There is a small romantic plot line. While it might work out through the series, if it can, I didn't feel it worked as well in this book. Possibly we were supposed to feel they had chemistry but it didn't click for me. Attraction sure, gaining each other's trust and admiration okay, but the way otherwise it didn't feel right. I do get it is the apocalypse and people want to get the most out of life quickly but still. Honestly, I also thought it would end up being a different person but guess that is a different relational vibe, and that could work out well too.

The story is very fast-paced. We go from training to Eos struggling to accept her new normal, onward to deployment as revelations are thrown at us. For most of the book, there were parts that I did not want to put the book down. Some spots could be slow enough to allow you to sleep, but not a lot. The next to last chapter was oddly timed though. There was a time skip that could have been its chapter and given more detail possibly on what they heard leading up to that. Also, I don't believe for a second that no one had tried to scout out what was happening before that point. As this is only the first book in a planned series it does not exactly wrap up. There is a good ending point though where we had the main issues laid out at the beginning be addressed.

I'm very glad I found out about this book. It was a wonderfully different adventure than anything I've read in a while. I like the concepts it makes you think about and the room our character has to grow through the series. It seems to be the perfect time to try it out as the sequel has been announced for a 2024 release.

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