Threads That Bind Book Review

 Threads That Bind 

by Kika Hatzopoulou

Release Date: July 3, 2018
Genre: Fantasy

Age Range: YA

Series: Threads That Bind

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 3.97 stars


Threads that Bind takes place in Alante, the sunken city. As it is a coastal city every evening the tide comes in and floods the lower levels. The buildings are made to withstand this though so it is rather ingenious. This world is made up of city-states now after the Collapse of the old world centuries before. Now there is less livable space and drinking water. The cities went to war over claims of icebergs. Technology appears to be in its infancy again. I would hazard somewhere around the fifties era with the items mentioned. It does not go to in-depth about what happened except with the magical bloodlines.

Magic comes from the gods descendants. Even though the Moria and other Gods died centuries before people are still born with other born abilities. It is not common I believe they said it is 1 in 100 for Alante. These other-born individuals must be registered for their abilities and are generally treated as second-class. Unless they have one of a few abilities, such as the Muses. Each other-born will have a specific ability based on who they are descended from.

Our main character is descended from the Fates. As Moria-born each of them can see the threads of fate in what they call the Quilt. Io is a cutter so she can cut threads connecting people. For this anyone like her is seen as dangerous. Io has become a private investigator to help her community. She feels that all it has ended up creating though is a string of broken hearts more than help. She has a good relationship with her middle sister, Ava, but there is something buried about what happened to the oldest Thais. Io seems to be a very careful person, which would suit an investigator well, however, she also gives in to self-doubt very easily as well.

The story follows Io as she is investigating a string of murders in the Stilts. These are unusual for how the attacker is committing the murders. As well as the attackers themselves. After witnessing one attack Io is hired out by the Mob Queen to find out what is going on. This would be a normal job if not for the condition that she has to work with the Mob Queen's second, Edei, the man Io shares a fate thread with. As they work together every answer they find only leads to more questions. With the body count rising will Io be able to find who is behind these attacks?

Did the storyline get resolved in the first book? Well, sort of. One aspect was revealed and one of those who was pulling the strings admitted it. However, I don't feel like it was a good conclusion to the first novel. I get that we have to leave things to be resolved in future books. This though didn't feel right it felt rushed and unfulfilled. One of the two big revelations at the end, that should have been the bigger and could base the next book around, was buried in favor of the other dramatic one.

I thought this would be a four-star read from the midway point but then things went sideways. Our smart character didn't play the P.I well by telling so many people each time she changed suspects. Then the ending just was not to solid. I will read the next one, or the whole trilogy probably, to see how this is going to play out. Still hopeful that the author is setting up for the long game even if it didn't work as a great ending here.

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