Lore of the Wilds by Analeigh Sbrana Book Review


Book Review: 

Lore of the Wilds

by Analeigh Sbrana

Release Date: February 27, 2024 

Genre: Romantasy

Age Range: Adult

Series: Lore of the Wilds

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 3.40 stars

Where to even start with this review? A positive, the writing was pretty and I liked her style. This is a book you might like if you want a magic system not explained much, location jumping, or complete deviation from what the description was. Okay, now let us break this down without being mean and turning potential readers away.

First up is the world building, well there isn't much. We are on an unnamed planet, we just know it is not where humans originally come from. Here there are lots of mythical creatures, the ones we see the most are the Fae though. The Fae nobles and military are very prejudiced against the humans. There are two types of Fae, Light and Dark, and different variations of inherited looks between them. The winged Dark Fae make up the noble ruling class though. All Fae seem to be having a problem having children but this seems to be most common to the Dark Fae. As for the common folk they are either unaware humans are real, generally nice towards them, or very afraid of Lore.

Next, there is the magic system. Well, the Fae have magic and humans don't. Besides a brief explanation about feeling it in the core and bending things to your will you don't know how magic works. There is a toll, in energy, it seems, to using magic. When Lore does begin to try to use magic it isn't explained much. Things just work for her mostly on the first try, the only time we would know it's not the first try is because we are told she practiced before. Then she does a complicated thing towards the end with no seeming difficulty, even though she made it up on the spot.

Our main character is Lore Alemeyu, she is a young woman working at the apothecary in Duskmere. Lore is skilled in making tinctures and healing salves available to humans. She is also versed in the Fae language and translates books of tales for humans. Lore helps care for the orphans of the village now that she is older, as she once lived at the shelter herself. She is naturally caring and quick-witted, this is how she ends up working with a Fae lord to clean up the library. However after that part of the story, besides her book knowledge, we see very little practical knowledge being used, until she starts cooking at a tavern.

Well, I tried not to rant and just have an overview of the important aspects. Thus you might notice no romance coverage. Overall the book left me a bit unhappy. I'm not sure that I would even want to read the sequel with a buddy read at this point. However, I might consider reading something from this author again in the hopes that it will be better developed.

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