Words of Radiance by Brandon Sanderson - Book Review


Book Review:

The Way of Kings

by Brandon Sanderson

Release Date: March 04, 2014 

Genre: Fantasy

Age Range: Adult

Series: The Stormlight Archive

Proceeded By: The Way of Kings 

Goodreads Avg. Rating: 4.76 stars

For a series that gave so much detail and depth in the first novel what could we even discuss here? In the second book, Sanderson upped the scale showing us that we only barely learned about this world. I loved this book for how we got to look into Shallan's past and the growth we could see in her. She is such a strong smart character that this book allowed her to show that. Then there are the major revelations (mostly at the end) about the old magics and the Knights Radiant.

The second book in the Stormlight Archive continues to follow Kaladin Stormblessed on his journey as he seeks to save his men. With political plots and assassins looming large finding the honorable path becomes less clear. Then there is Shallan Davar who seeks to continue her scholarship in finding answers about the Voidbringers.

In the main story, we are not shown as much of the lore but more political movements. Then in the interludes, the stories again revolve around different peoples to give more depth to the magic returning to the world. This also gives us more understanding to the motivations of other factions. We are shown the Parshendi culture and why they are fighting. Then to distant Jah Keved to give an understanding of why one group is working so hard from the shadows. While this might not seem like much with what we learned in the last book it adds depth and the magical understanding is where things picked up.


I didn't talk about the spren in my video but I'm going to here. While Syl was introduced in the first book this one also shows us Pattern and the Storm Father. These are important revelations as we learn that it is the spren bonds allowing the magic of the world. It takes a good chunk of the novel to understand that the Knights Radiant formed these bonds and with different oath acceptances were able to do greater things. Each type of spren provides a different ability, with a slight overlap between some orders. Such as Syl is an honor spren and cares more for the honor of keeping your word and doing what is right versus the ability to see into the grey area of things. Pattern being a cryptic cares more about truth and lies or even lies made from truth. The biggest revelation comes at the very end of the book though there were clues throughout. I could see it this time but it was probably a big shock on my first time reading.

For this book, Shallan was our big character. All of the flashback chapters were from the events of her childhood until a few months before she left to find Jasnah. These showed how and why Shallan developed a humorous wit and drive to help her older brothers. As with Kaladins, this showed Shallans mental traumas and what her current mental state really is. (*this will be more on display in future books). Shallan really begins to come into herself in this book though as she is forced to fend for herself to survive. This leads to a whole new side of Shallan that is mostly kept separate from her day-to-day interactions with the other light eyes. However, we do get to see her showing some parts of her true personality to Adolin and it is adorable to watch them together.

Then Kaladin would have to be our second main character. Kaladin is working through his new status as captain of Dalinar's personal guard. This should leave him less worried about his men but instead Kaladin takes more weight onto his shoulders. He is unable to let the pressure off himself for their lives as well as now Dalinar and the kings family. With his mistrust for light eyes, Kaladin is placed in an odd situation trying to protect them. With the season of no storms coming and the arrival of someone from his past Kaladin finds himself sinking into darker modes, putting his bond with Syl in turmoil.

Dalinar and Adolin are both working towards the former's plan of uniting the high princes. The goal is to end the war and face what Dalinar has only vaguely learned is coming. I feel like we get to see more from Adolin in this one, as he is dueling or courting Shallan, getting to see more of his likability.

During the interludes, we are introduced to Eshonai as well. She was one of the first Parshendi to meet Dalinar and Gavilar. For this, she feels a great responsibility for all that has happened. We are also given a glimpse into what the Parshendi has become and why the war was started.

The story here focuses on preparing for what is coming as Dalinar is finding a cryptic countdown after his visions. Shallan is focused on finishing Jasnahs research to find Urithriu before the Desolation. While Kaladin is faced with a test of acting with honor in the face of darkness.

As with the first novel, the revels at the end of this book were spectacular. I loved how much we got to learn about different aspects of our characters and the wider world. How all the pieces are coming together to paint a huge picture of this world is amazing. With this being a reread though I know that part of my opinions are still colored by what is to come slightly. At least the betrayal is over with now and I don't have to feel bad about that character.

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